Thursday, March 6, 2014

Our Story For United Way

Another Opportunity To Share Coltons Story 

I was approached with another opportunity this past week to share our experience with Skip Dynamic Partners Birth To Three program and I gladly accepted. I just thought I would share what was written with you all. Albeit it isn't anything new. I'm just so happy to share Coltons progress with anyone and everyone. It will always be a journey but being able to focus on the positive aspects and joys of it mean so much to me. Enjoy! 

I first noticed something was different about my son Colton when he was very little. I brushed a lot of it aside just telling myself I was probably overreacting. He hit all of his milestones so I figured everything was okay. When he was fourteen months old he started whispering and by fifteen months he stopped talking completely. We began to worry and expressed our fears at his eighteen month checkup. Our doctor suggested waiting until he was two before we really investigated this. It was during this wait time I watch many other strange things begin to manifest in my son. After doing a lot of research on my own I began to believe he was autistic. At his two year checkup in June I insisted my doctor refer us to Children's Autism Center in Seattle. We had our appointment there in August and they referred us to get his tested for developmental delay and autism. We scheduled an evaluation with Skip Dynamic Partners Birth to Three program for that September. It was at this appointment my son was classified as developmentally delayed. It was of course difficult to receive but we were just happy to be able to start helping him. A month later we had him tested at a center in Federal Way and he was diagnosed as autistic level two. We began therapies with Skip in October starting with OT therapy. My son has really bonded with his OT and we have watched so much growth and development come from it. By the beginning of November he was saying "Mama" and a few other words. It was at this time we also added on Speech therapy. It is now March and I'm happy to report that my son has grown from a child who was afraid of many sounds and other children, who couldn't talk at all to now a child who is responsive to others and becoming very talkative. We couldn't be happier. I'm sad our time is growing short with Skip, they have truly been a godsend to us. If you are interested in knowing more I highly suggest reading my blog at I am proud of what my son has accomplished and I have so much hope for his future. We owe a lot to the therapists at Skip, they will always have a special place in our hearts.  

In Closing 

As always thank you for reading and for your continued support. I'm so proud of my son. Some days can be especially tough but I wouldn't change him "cure" him for the world. I embrace my sons autism. Without it he wouldn't be who he is. I continue to learn so much from him and others in the autism community. I have to admit I'm pleasantly surprised at how well we all support each other. The strongest women I have ever met I have met while on this journey and I am proud to be among them. 

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Another Opportunity To Share My Story

Spreading Our Story Around 


 Last month I received an e-mail from a woman who works at WAAA asking me if I would like the opportunity to share Colton's story with them and have it go on their website. I happily agreed. I will enclose the link to it here: I was so thrilled to have this chance to share our sons story and possibly bring others the awareness to what is going on with insurance problems in our state and possibly reach those out there who are struggling and need WAAA's help. Now onto a few updates in our life. 


 Colton has just been talking and talking. We are finally hearing two words at a time. Granted it's almost always because he's repeating what we have said or something he has heard on TV but I am so proud. It is such a joy to hear his little voice! I'm so proud at the progress he is making and how hard he continues to work on his speech. 

 We have set up his official testing date with the public schools for May 2nd. I'm nervous to see how it goes but I'm hoping that as with everything else so far we find new opportunities and chances for growth. His cognitive skills are so amazing and I hope they get the chance to see how brilliant he truly is. 

 While we are still on the subject of schools we have heard that we may have a possibility of getting him into a local private preschool. While of course this may be stretching it for us financially,I can only pray that we get this chance. I feel that Colton should be challenged academically not only taught life skills. He already can count to ten and recognizes all letters and is even attempting to spell. I feel I would be failing him as a mother if I didn't try to find the best fit for school for him. 

In Closing 

 I'm keeping this one short but hope to be back here soon with more updates and positivity. I am so blessed to be Coltons mother. Everyday with him is a blessing. This doesn't mean it's easy, he can certainly be trying at times but we are weathering the storms and enjoying the rainbows that come after. I truly believe that because of Coltons autism I have grown so much as a person and gained so much insight and knowledge even just in these last few short years and I know it will only get better. The future can certainly take it's time but I am looking forward to it.As always thank you for reading and your continued support.